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Zeng Hanlin and his family have decided to uphold the search for truth, regardless of the outcome, they will appeal till the end of time, to let the whole world knows about his innocence, his miscarriage of justice. Therefore, we hope that the media coverage can help to appeal to the China national leaders to extract the footage or recording of the whole trial and verdict, to listen to the truth, to be our judge! Even if the result of this injustice cannot be reversed, we vowed to never give up, to persistently let the world international Media / Human Rights Organizations / Ambassador and Consulate / National Leaders know that the so-called human rights advocating country Canada, is scarifying a human life for their economic benefits. We vowed to seek justice for Zeng Hanlin, even if he die of old age in prison, we declare that we will never give up on this pursuit of justice. 曾汉林与家属决定要坚持寻求真理,无论结果如何也要上诉到底,令世人知道真相。 在此,我们希望媒体的报道可以呼吁国家领导人听听当天庭内的录像记录,评评道理! 即使这场冤案结果无法扭转,我们誓言永不放弃,向世界各国媒体/人权组织/大使领事/国家领袖等知道所谓的人权国加拿大,在获取经济利益背后的所作所为。务必要为曾汉林讨回公道,即时他老死在狱内也绝不罢休。

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Justice for Zeng Hanlin-Chengdu Reporter expose inside news 曾汉林冤案-成都记者正义爆内幕

>> Link to Publicity Dept of Sichuan Province enforcing reporting restriction, prohibiting all reporters to report any related news on Mr Zeng Hanlin. http://youtu.be/GUhEFky0MAo

This conversation between Sam Zeng (son of Zeng Hanlin) and Peng Jiang (a reporter with Chengdu Evening News) is a true reflection on how Sichuan Chengdu has been trying ways and means to keep Mr Zeng's trial under wrap.

Just a few hours after the publication of Peng Jiang's report on Chengdu Evening News, a reporting restriction order was sent down from Publicity Department of Sichuan Province to Chief Editor of Chengdu Evening News, prohibiting any further reporting of Mr Zeng miscarriage of justice on the newspaper.

Apart from Chengdu Evening News, another newspaper in Chengdu (Huaxi City News) had been given reporting restriction as well. Strict order was given not to report any news relating to Mr Zeng Hanlin.

Note: This is a Chengdu's conspiracy! We can now ascertain that Chengdu District Court is trying to cover up their mistakes made on Zeng Hanlin, the verdict on Mr Zeng Hanlin is just a self-directed movie, serving as a decoy to cover up their grave mistake! To save them from embarrassment!

Introduction to Chengdu Evening Newspaper"Chengdu Evening Newspaper" was founded on 01 May 1956; the header was personally inscribed by Comrade Jiang Zemin. 01 July 2001, after stripping off its official CPC Chengdu Municipal functions, Chengdu Evening Newspaper has became a distinct public report with urban characteristics.

Born in 1956, is responsible for all reports of Chengdu. Chengdu Evening News, adhere to the news localization, differentiation, characterization, focus on education, transportation, life, health, wealth, environmental, business, new knowledge and other urban progress and civilization. Her reader's group cover the various sectors of the people in Chengdu, is one of the best medium for community information.




Monday, March 26, 2012

聲稱審理受地方政府施壓 曾漢林家人致函北京求公道 by 星岛日报 (Sing Tao Daily)

聲稱審理受地方政府施壓 曾漢林家人致函北京求公道


身在中國的曾漢林兒子曾孝國,昨日透過長途對本報披露該案最新進展情況稱,曾漢林在加拿大的家屬已經委託曾代表賴昌星的加拿大人權律師馬塔斯(David Matas),向加拿大聯邦政府提起訴訟。因總理哈珀表示已經將此案委託聯邦外交部和移民部跟進,曾家表示至今並沒有得到回覆,希望聯邦政府披露與中國交涉的情況。



Family of Chinese deportee in prison sues Ottawa by AFP (Agence France-Presse)

Family of Chinese deportee in prison sues Ottawa

AFP – Fri, Mar 23, 2012

The family of a Chinese millionaire serving 15 years in prison for fraud after being deported from Canada is suing Ottawa to try to bolster his bid for release, the family's lawyer said Thursday.

Zeng Hanlin, 66, fled China in 2004 to escape the charges but was deported in March last year after Canadian authorities dismissed concerns he could be tortured or executed if he returned to China.

He was tried and convicted of fraud in November over a stock scheme linked to a failed business merger and a court in the southwestern city of Chengdu in February sentenced him to 15 years in prison.

Canadian rights lawyer David Matas said the family has written to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ask him to "express concern" about Zeng's prosecution to Chinese authorities, and is now pressing its case in federal court.

In its letters to Harper, obtained by AFP, the family said the first legal proceedings did not meet "basic standards of due process or human rights."

Zeng had been denied contact with his family, medication for diabetes, and proper legal counsel, they said.
Canada bans the return of prisoners to countries where they might face torture, or unfair prosecution.

"All we want is for the Canadian government to say it is concerned about the criminal proceedings against him (Zeng), and that it is expressing that concern to the government of China," Matas told AFP.

"The hope is that Ottawa's involvement would impact on his appeal, either resulting in a withdrawal of the prosecution or a ruling at the appeal's court that the trial was unfair," he said.

Zeng lodged an appeal against his sentence last month, while his family maintains that he is "innocent" of the charges and wants the case to be heard in an open court in Beijing to ensure a fair trial.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Letter from Prime Minister Stephen Harper on 29 Feb 2012

We have received 2 identical reply from PM office. Previously, PMO took 3 months to reply to our Open Letter (09 feb 2012). Now they took 3 days to reply (29 Feb 2012). There was no mentioning of how PMO would further respond to our demands and what explicit action to be taken. This reply seems to be an acknowledgement only.

This reply had only showcase the social responsibility that PMO had fulfilled but no substantive action had been taken. We do not want to be under the impression that canadian government is just patronizing us to delay the whole matters. Please correct us if we are wrong.

This response is good news for us, but in the meantime, it is of no substantive significance. In the end, we are unsure if Canadian government had communicate with the Chinese counterpart on Zeng Hanlin unfair treatment?

What concrete action taken by the Government of Canada is still unknown. This is the key issue for us. Sichuan Chengdu can always close case in lightning speed.

We hope that the Canadian government can shed some lights on what substantive diplomatic action would they undertake to raise Zeng Hanlin case to China..

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Canada asked to press China on trial of deportee by AFP (Agence France Presse)

Canada asked to press China on trial of deportee

Agence France Presse in Ottawa
(AFP) – 01 March 2012

OTTAWA — The family of a Chinese millionaire serving 15 years in prison for fraud after being deported from Canada said his trial was unfair and urged Ottawa on Thursday to take up the matter with Beijing.
Zeng Hanlin, 66, fled in 2004 to escape the charges but was deported in March last year after Canadian authorities dismissed concerns he would be tortured or executed if he returned to China.
He was tried and convicted of fraud in November over a stock scheme linked to a failed business merger and a court in the southwestern city of Chengdu in February sentenced him to 15 years in prison.
A lawyer for his family, Daniel Kingwell, said in a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, obtained by AFP, that the legal proceedings did not meet "basic standards of due process or human rights."
"We are writing you to request that the Canadian government express concern to Chinese authorities regarding the ongoing criminal proceedings against Han Lin Zeng," Kingwell wrote.
Kingwell said Zeng had been denied contact with his family, medication for diabetes, and proper legal counsel.
The case has garnered attention "as a significant precedent in the removal of fugitives to China from abroad," he added. "The world is watching Mr. Zeng's treatment by the Chinese court, and Canada's role in his removal."
Canada, which does not practice capital punishment, bans the return of prisoners to countries where they might face the death penalty. But it has recently deported several people wanted by China.
Zeng has lodged an appeal against his sentence, while his family maintains that he is "innocent" of the charges and wants the case to be heard in an open court in Beijing to ensure a fair trial.
The family cited a group of 21 Chinese law professors who claimed in a video presented at a press conference in Toronto that the "contractual dispute giving rise to (Zeng's) conviction is a civil matter only, and not a criminal matter."

曾汉林一审判15年 子吁加国干预 by New Tang Dynasty Television

曾汉林一审判15年 子吁加国干预



曾汉林儿媳 Milly Zeng:「我们要求一个公平公正的审讯。」
曾汉林儿子 曾健:「在中国四川,你们关着门打这个官司,人也不能进去,只有两个(亲友进去)。审判时他们用证人把我父亲定罪,但是一个证人也没有出庭,反而把活生生的证据放到一边。」



曾汉林加拿大律师 金威尔:「这不仅关系到基本人权和加拿大价值观,也关系到未来的加中关系。」
曾汉林的加拿大律师金威尔(Daniel Kingwell)说,加拿大法庭基於相信曾在中国能得到公平审判才做出遣返决定的。
曾汉林加拿大律师 金威尔:「如果曾汉林不能得到公平审判,到目前为止的确如此。此案肯定会被今後类似案子引用,这将成为今後一个新的障碍,如果要从加拿大遣返罪犯回中国。如果那样的情况发生将有损加中关系。」

着名国际人权律师 麦塔斯:「有些案子中共当局无论如何也不会改变,无论国际社会如何施加压力,如果中共感到威胁自身状况,但这个案子似乎不存在这个问题。」



首名强制遣返中国通缉犯曾汉林家属喊冤 by info51ca

加国无忧 51.CA 201232 07:59
31日,第一个被加拿大政府强制遣返的中国通缉犯、广东商人曾汉林的家人和前加拿大代表律师在多伦多召开记者会,称曾汉林在中国没有得到公平审讯和基本人权保障,呼吁加拿大政府向中国政府施压,保证曾汉林的上诉能得到公平审讯。曾汉林在加拿大期间申请难民的代表律师Daniel Kingwell和赖昌星的代表律师David Matas出席了记者会,身在香港的曾汉林儿子曾健和在新加坡的曾健妻子Milly透过视频联线参加了记者会。 曾汉林家属喊冤


 曾汉林代表律师Daniel Kingwell()和赖昌星的代表律师David Matas
曾健称,在案件的审讯过程中,成都中级法院是在春节放假前一天,开庭审理其父的案件,但依法上诉期限只有10天,而春节假期是计算在内的。这样在法院放假结束后,曾家只有1天时间提交上诉,且只有5天时间用来为一个长达10余年的案件搜集证据,时间非常仓促。 曾健表示,之所以向加拿大媒体公开事件,是因他们不相信四川成都的法庭,10年前的审判者在10年后审理同一案件,怎么可能公正?如果推翻以前的判决,就等于说他们自己10年前做错了。为此他们希望中国中央政府能直接介入此案,并希望将此案移到北京去公开审理。 发表致哈珀公开信

Daniel Kingwell

Daniel Kingwel






加拿大华裔商人曾汉林的家人说中国法院没有公平审理曾汉林案件 by RCI (加拿大国际广播电台)